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Port Renfrew, British Columbia, Canada Climate Summary

There are 1,758 weather stations that record precipitation information for Environment Canada. These precipitation data are averages of weather measurements.

May weather in Port Renfrew is like the Mediterranean. Average Weather in May for Port Renfrew, BC.
Daily mean C (F) - 11.1 (52.0)
The Mediterranean trend of rainfall patterns begins to be evidenced with high annual rainfall
Average rainfall mm (inches) - 3,454.7 (136.01)
Winters are mild, one of the mildest in all of Canada 9.3c (48.7f)
Port Renfrew weather averages - Climate-Data.org". en.climate-data.org. Retrieved March 10 2020.
Port Renfrew climate: Average Temperature, weather by month
Between the driest and wettest months, the difference in precipitation is 280 mm - 11 inch. The variation in temperatures throughout the year is 11.8C - 53.2F.
The average water temperature during the year located in Port Renfrew (Salish Sea) at 10.00C - 50.00F.
At about 12.00C | 53.60F is the maximum of the water temperatures over the months. This will be reached in August. The low is 8.00C | 46.40F and is measured in February.
The date of the lowest water temperature is around February 25. At this time, it is about 8.00C - 46.40F. The maximum of 12.00C | 53.60F is measured around August 12.
Statistics: Climate-Data.org

Port Renfrew Climate

Average Weather in May at Sheringham Automatic Weather Reporting System for Port Renfrew

Temperature and Precipitation Graph for 1981 to 2010 Canadian Climate Normals Port Renfrew, BC, Canada.

Fairy Lake Hatchery and the San Juan Enhancement Society

Lou Tremblay and her husband Maurice began their strategic enhancement efforts in the mid 1970’s on the San Juan River, using streamside incubation boxes. Video of salmon coming up the San Juan River to the hatchery gravel ponds where Lou and Maurice would trap and remove by hand the females for egg incubation and hatching.
Video by Kit Gillett 2000.

The San Juan Enhancement Society is a non-profit society, set up in 1978 as a CEDP initiative.
The Hatchery is located one mile above Fairy Lake. Coho and Chinook live in net pens in Fairy Lake for a year before they are released to the sea.
Salmon Enhancement Program

Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada is the largest island on the western side of the Americas.

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